Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Carmex Lip Balm



I have really ugly, hard (& dark) lips. As far as I can remember I've always had dark and chapped lips, and to add insult to injury, I smoke alot. The only color of lipstick that would actually cover the "darkness" are those really Red ones which I am not fond of wearing.

In college, my friends found a way to soften the hands and feet by using petroleum jelly so I thought this would work on my lips too, so I tried it. Well it did the trick, but it felt "yucky" on my lips. Plus I usually put it before going to sleep so most of the time it sticks on my pillow.  So I gave it up. Then I read from a tweet of one of the local celebrtities that  she's using Carmex lip balm and mind you her lips are really nice. So I wanted to try it too but didn't know where to buy it and then the idea slipped out out of "consciousness" again until I decided to clean out my room and found 2 Carmex lip balms my mom sent.

At first I thought it was an ointment for sore or insect bites but when I googled it i found out this was the one I wanted. So right now it's what I'm using... Been using it for just 3 days though and it doesn't feel super sticky on my lips and when you first apply it, it's somewhat "cool".


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