If there's one thing I'm afraid of and would be happy not getting it but can't help but have it, it's getting "vaccine"shots. I don't mind giving the shots, since that's what i'm supposed to be doing, but being on the receiving end of the shot is a totally different thing.
I know, I know, I'm a nurse so why would I be afraid getting shots? I think it's the anxiety that I feel while anticipating the feeling of the needle piercing my skin...
Yesterday, I had no choice but to "conquer" this fear again. Here's my story... 3:00AM, I was wide awake, got hungry, decided to cook pancit canton, went to open the pantry, felt something prick/puncture my sole, thought it was just a splinter but panicked when I saw it was a rusty nail. Long story short, I went to the "regional hospital" to get my tetanus shots.